August 22, 2007

Just Could Not Resist

Every dog has his day!

Posted by: Bunny at 11:22 AM under "Just For Fun"
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August 06, 2007

Lawn Chair Drill Team

I saw this a long time ago and tripped over it again.  Believe me, it's worth another look....Bunny

Lawn Chair Drill Team

Posted by: Bunny at 10:39 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 27, 2007

Cal Ripken

I grew up in the suburbs of Baltimore and was raised an Oriole fan.  I don't much care for how the organization is being run now, (I can't wait for the day when Peter Angelos is no longer the owner!) but I have admired Cal Ripken for years and years.  For those of you who don't follow Oriole baseball, you still know Cal Ripken as the Ironman, and that he is a very admired guy.  What you may not know, is that he is just one hell of a human being.  All of his sponserships go to charity.  He is genuinely gracious, polite to a fault and the best role model in all of sports.  I just wanted to say thank you to Cal for being such a wonderful inspiration and congratulations for your Hall of Fame induction....Bunny


Posted by: Bunny at 10:18 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 24, 2007

New Preamble To The Constitution

This came across my desk and I thought it was pretty interesting.  It has been attributed to State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia.   Please, read on....Bunny 


Posted by: Bunny at 09:28 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 23, 2007

Perfect Evening For A Ball Game

It's been quite a while since we've seen our Potomac Nationals .  Tonight happens to be a respite from the summer heat so we've decided to go to a game.  It's doesn't hurt that it's $1.00 general admission and $1.00 hot dog night.  Here's hoping we get to see a winning game...Bunny

UPDATE: no such luck, we lost 9-5

Posted by: Bunny at 04:02 PM under "The Minors"
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July 21, 2007

Day Trip

Ted and I went for a drive today, about 100 miles each way, to see our "baby", Mookie.  She's been hard at work making costumes for Ashlawn Opera Company's summer productions of  "The Sound of Music" and "La Boheme".  Now that both of the productions have started, her 15 hour days have come to an end and she has a little time to relax.  We met her for lunch and did a little shopping before we said good-bye, but we are planning to go back in two weeks to spend the whole weekend with her and to see "La Boheme" (I personally would have preferred "The Sound of Music", but I was out voted, oh well).  So for all of you wondering how Mookie is doing, she's just great!  She's dropped about 15 lbs, looks great and seems to be very happy in what she's doing.  She enters her junior year at Mary Baldwin College next month and is already checking out grad schools for her masters in theater/costuming.  Can you tell I'm a proud Mom?....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 07:36 PM under "Just For Fun"
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July 19, 2007

Road Trip

It's still 5 months way, but the road trip I'm planning with my oldest daughter is really giving me something to look forward to.  Yesterday I bought a primo Rand McNally and it even had a copy of "Land of the Free", a booklet of 75 free places to visit while road tripping.  I have decided on two must stop and sees so far, both in Oklahoma.  I want to visit the Memorial to the victims of the 1995 Alfred P. Murrah Federal building bombing in Oklahoma City.  Just a little south of there, in the town of Norman, Oklahoma is a statue I am dying to see.  Now, don't laugh, but it's a statue of my all time favorite actor who grew up in Norman, James Garner.  I have loved that man since I can remember and since I will be so close, I'm gonna go see it, a pilgrimage you might say.  Thanks to those who gave me ideas of what to see along I-40 and I-20, keep them coming...Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 07:00 PM under "Just For Fun"
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July 18, 2007

6 Year Old Puts A Smile On Many Faces

I saw this and was amazed, maybe you will be too...Bunny

6 Year Old Singer


Posted by: Bunny at 06:07 PM under "Just For Fun"
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July 15, 2007

Happy Birthday

I love all my children dearly, but today is my youngest daughter's birthday so my focus is on her.  Many of you already know Rachael, aka Mookie, and what an incredible person she is.  Today she turns 19 and will enter her Junior year of college next month.  Rachael is the child that wasn't supposed to be.  I had had a very serious infection after my second child and at least eight doctors told me it wasn't possible to have another.   Rachael proved them wrong. 

Rachael is like no other kid her age.   Her work ethic is phenominal, the more there is, the harder she works and the more she amazes people and she thrives doing it.  Her goals are set in stone and she follows through with them.  She is on the school's Honor's List (which for her college, is higher than the Dean's List), all the while working her work study job and volunteering every other waking minute.   To her friends, she's loyal and honest to a fault, to her elders, shes respectful and responsive.  I can't imagine how my life would be today if all those doctors had been right, if she had never touched my life, never have been around to champion me and my illness, never was here to be my friend.  I love you Rachael and I hope that your birthday is the best one yet.  Thank you for being you...Mom 

Posted by: Bunny at 04:51 PM under "Just For Fun"
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July 13, 2007


Today, my daughter Robyn and I are going up to the Baltimore area to play BINGO.  Why travel 70 miles just to play Bingo?  Well, in Virginia, the laws governing Bingo are so twisted that it's pretty much a pain in the ass to play. 

The state of Virginia thinks it has to protect it's citizens from big gambling so they have these  rules for Bingo:

  • Bingo can only be played for charity not profit.
  • No entity can hold Bingo more than 2 days a week and if it is a double session, that counts as the 2 per week maximum
  • No regular Bingo game can pay more than $100.00
  • No Jackpot game can exceed a $1000.00 pay out, including a winner take all game.

I don't have a problem with the charity aspect of the laws, but the limits are rediculous in this day and age.  Going to a local charity Bingo, cost about $40 just to get in an play a decent amount of cards.   Right next door in the state of Maryland, I can spend $25.00-$30.00 for more cards and that includes a computerized Bingo game as well.  Oh, did I mention  that the pay outs for the game I'm going to tonight range from $500-$1300 for a regular game. 

So, tonight we journey to Glen Burnie, Maryland to visit Bingo World to try out hand at bigger prizes for less money.  Wish us Good Luck....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 11:14 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 12, 2007

So Funny I Have To Share

I got this from my sister in an email, it's so funny I just have to share...Bunny

The boss of a Madison Avenue advertising agency called a spontaneous staff meeting in the middle of a particularly stressful week. When everyone gathered, the boss, who understood the benefits of having fun, told the burnt out staff the purpose of the meeting was to have a quick contest.
The theme: Viagra advertising slogans. The only rule was they had to use past ad slogans, originally written for other products that captured the essence of Viagra. Slight variations were acceptable.  About 7 minutes later, they turned in their suggestions and created a Top 10 List.  The top 10 were:

10. Viagra, Whaazzzz up!
09. Viagra, The quicker pecker picker upper.
08. Viagra, like a rock!
07. Viagra, When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.
06. Viagra, Be all that you can be.
05. Viagra, Reach out and touch someone.
04. Viagra, Strong enough for a man, but made for a woman.
03. Viagra, Home of the whopper!
02. Viagra, We bring good things to Life!

AND the unanimous number one slogan:.........

1. Viagra, This is your peepee. This is your peepee on drugs.

Posted by: Bunny at 09:44 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 08, 2007

Virginia Bazaar

Yesterday, Ted surprised me with a mini road trip.  We went about 45 miles south to make our annual visit to Virginia Bazaar.  Virginia Bazaar is the states largest indoor/outdoor flea market.  It opened I would guess five or so years ago and it grows a little each year.  The flea market has yard sale type vendors out side and more permanent vendors inside the air conditioned building.  Ted was lucky and found a bag full of horror movies and I found some Avon that I had been needing. 

All in all, Virginia Bazaar is an okay Flea Market, but I'm spoiled.  Ten years ago, when my parents moved to Florida, they found an incredible Flea Market called Marion Market.  This place is mind blowing.  It's a series of hall ways, about 10 -16 of them, connected by a main hall.  This place has just about anything and everything you can think of, fresh produce, jewelry, antiques, clothes, gadgets, knick knacks, puppies (I got the world's cutest dog there in 2001) and much much more.  If you are ever in the Ocala area of Florida on a weekend, this is a must see experience.  It's not flashy and new like Virignia Bazaar, it's old, open aired (but under cover) and not heated or air conditioned, but it's the best Flea Market I have ever been to...Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 10:10 AM under "Just For Fun"
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July 01, 2007

Road Trip

As many of you may know from reading Rocket Jones, I love to go on road trips.  I often have a deep desire, almost a need to go on these trips, a yen for something new and different, to be out on the road with no responsibilities or worries.  When these yens comeover me, there is often no stopping me, except that now, I can't drive,  at least not until my next remission comes on, but I have found a way to go on a road trip and bond with my oldest daughter at the same time.  In January, after she graduates from college and before she starts working, Tink and I are going on a two week road trip.  The tentitive plans are (since it will be the middle of winter) is to go south and west.  We are considering going on I-40 west and coming back on I-20 east.  We're hoping to go as far as New Mexico or Arizona before we turn around to come back to Virginia. 

So, my request to my readers is to give us ideas of where to stop, what to see or do and general travel tips.  If you've been along those highways or live along one of them, drop me a comment. Thanks....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 01:47 PM under "Just For Fun"
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June 29, 2007

Interesting Invention

As I have mentioned before, my bunny Ozzie loves to be petted.  Yesterday, we let him run around the sewing room and he found a way to stay cool, relax and have his head petted at the same time.  Check it out....Bunny

As the fan oscillates, it brushes over his head and gently pets him.


Posted by: Bunny at 10:59 AM under "Bunny Hop"
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June 17, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game (70 miles away)

Last night, Ted and I drove to Frederick, Maryland to see our beloved Potomac Nationals vs Fredrick Keys .  Joining us for the outing were fellow blog buddies, Nik and Victor.

 I found myself comparing the Frederick Stadium to the  Pfizner Stadium. Although, the Frederick Stadium was more modern, had nicer seats and more capacity, I found that it just wasn't as inviting an environment as Pfizner Stadium.  Don't get me wrong, we had a good time, but the little touches were missing.  For example; the PA announcer wasn't nearly as fun as the one at Pfizner Stadium, the Fredrick guy didn't excite the crowd, he didn't play music clips or sound effects that are so very popular at Potomac home games.  At Potomac National games, there are mini contests and events between innings and there is ALWAYS a winner.  At the Key's game, it's "oh well, sorry you didn't win, better luck next time". 

You might say, well I wasn't cheering for the home team last night, so maybe I just didn't get into setting as much as others, that just wasn't so.  I didn't feel immediately at home, a welcomed guest, instead, just another face in the crowd.  I throughly enjoy and look forward to going to P Nats games, so I think for the most part, I'll enjoy them were I feel more at home.

By the way, I thought I had broken my jinx, the P Nats were tied 5-5 at the end of the ninth and went on to score 3 in the top of the tenth.  I was hopeful that they wouldn't loose a game that I attended, but sadly, the Keys had their own rally in the bottom of the 10th and won game.  Oh well....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 01:56 PM under "The Minors"
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June 10, 2007

Fun and Games

I love to play games, any kind of games; cards, board games and computer games.  I can often be found playing on Pogo.  If you're not familiar with Pogo, it's the best game site I have found on the internet.  You can play completely free, but there is also an option to pay for play.  It's like $30.00 a year and you get to play a lot of games that are not offered to the "non club members".

I meet a lot of jerks there, but also a lot of very nice people.  Today, I was playing "Qwerty", a scrabble like game and met a very nice person by the name of Giababy73.  She was pleasant, competive and didn't leave in the middle of a game just because she might have been behind.  You'd be surprised how many people do that.  So, I want to say thank you to Giababy73 for a very enjoyable, relaxing Sunday morning.

Posted by: Bunny at 12:31 PM under "Just For Fun"
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June 05, 2007

How Much Do You Know?

I found a website that tests your observational skills.  I got 17 correct out of 25, how well can you do? Go to Think Test  ....Bunny



Posted by: Bunny at 08:47 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 30, 2007

New Drug Names

In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name.  For example, the trade name of Tylenol also has a generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen.
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.

Pfizer Corp. announced today that Viagra will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stiff one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink". Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: MOUNT & DO.

Thought for the day: There is more money being spent on breast implants and Viagra today than on Alzheimer's research.

This means that by 2040, there should be a large elderly population with perky boobs and huge erections and absolutely no recollection of what to do with them.

Posted by: Bunny at 10:52 AM under "Just For Fun"
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May 26, 2007


Why do boys run faster than girls? more...

Posted by: Bunny at 05:15 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 25, 2007

If Women Controlled The World

I found this in my email and thought I would pass it on......Bunny


Posted by: Bunny at 03:54 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 24, 2007

Memories From The Past

I was watching a show today when they mentioned "School House Rock".  I remember these well (I'm dating myself!).  So just as any internet junkie, I went to You Tube and found a bunch of the old, Saturday morning three minute spots.   I found many of my favorites along with plenty of spoofs done by Mad TV and other sources.  I've put the links below to some of my favorites.

"Conjuction Junction"

"Lolly Lolly Get Your Adverb Here"

"Elbow Room"

"I'm Just A Bill"


Do a bit of surfing on your own, I'm sure you'll bring back fond memories.  Which one is your favorite?....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 06:21 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 20, 2007

Beautiful Sunday, Good Day For Baseball

It's beautiful here in our neck of the burbs today, so we're off to see our beloved Potomac Nationals.  It's sure better than staying home and cleaning the house!....Bunny


I'm begining to think I'm a jinx, everytime I go to a game lately, our team loses, today it was 4-3.  Oh well, still enjoyed the outing, we even took 2 of our kids....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 10:35 AM under "The Minors"
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May 15, 2007

Vacation update

Last night we stopped in Atlantic City, I thought Ted was going to fall over when he saw the room we had at Harrah's.  The bathroom was a religious experience!!!  The bath tub was so big, I floated in it. 

One of the most interesting parts of our trip so far was some of the people we met.  Waiting in line at a buffet, we talked to a woman who was in Atlantic City to see Englebert Humperdink, if you recognize that name, they you're probably as old as I am.  Apparently, he was there for 3 nights and she went to each show.  The most interesting people we met was a couple from New Jersey (pronounced Nu Joy-z by the locals), they had been married for 50 years.  Talking to them was like seeing ourselves in another 25 years.  They were a devoted, loving couple, wife disabled and a husband determined to do everything possible to make her happy.  It gives us hope that through all the years, love doesn't fade, it continues to grow and thrive.

We are now in Conneticutt, (sorry Michele, didn't see your comment until we had already gone through New York City), and settled in for a few days.  I plan to do some gambling at the two local Indian Casino's, Mohegan Sun and Foxwoods Lodge.  I'll check back when I can and post more....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 08:26 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 14, 2007

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off To Vacation We Go

Mr. Jones and I are leaving on vacation this afternoon.  We're taking a five day trip up the east coast.  The highlight of our trip will be a Steely Dan concert.  We'll have a lap top with us so if anything exciting happens, I'll have a chance to blog it....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 08:15 AM under "Just For Fun"
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May 11, 2007

For The Ladies

I received these jokes in an email and I thought I would pass them on, of course they don't apply to Mr. Jones, at least not many of them....Bunny 

Posted by: Bunny at 11:57 AM under "Just For Fun"
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May 10, 2007

Damn you Llama Butcher and Rocket Jones

Mr. Jones encouraged me to click a link he saw on Llama Butcher's site and subsquently put on to his site. When I did, I found a very addictive game, called Boomshine .It's extremely easy but challenging as well.  If you want to play it, make sure you turn up the volumn and listen to the music, you're gonna need it to sooth your frustration. I thought I would pass on the frustration....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 11:30 AM under "Ranting"
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May 07, 2007

Summer Is Near

Summer is near, warm days, sunny skys and flowers blooming in the yard.  It's the time of year when we get out of the house more to enjoy the garden, baseball games and a new tradition started last year, outdoor theater.  Mookie, my youngest daugher, is a Theater major at  Mary Baldwin College and through out the school year we drive down to see the various productions the school puts on.  Last summer however, Mookie worked for The Ash Lawn Opera Company, and we went down to Charlottesville, Virginia to see "The Merry Widow".  I didn't think I would care for the show but was very surprised when I found myself tapping my toes to the music. 


Posted by: Bunny at 02:24 PM under "Just For Fun"
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May 06, 2007

Minor League Baseball

Mr. Jones and I went to a baseball game last night.  We saw our Potomac Nationals lose to the Wilmington Blue Rocks.  Even though we sat in a fairly constant drizzle of rain and our team lost, we still enjoyed the game and the atmosphere. 

I ask you, would this have happened in a major league baseball game?  The ceremonial 1st pitch was thrown out by Miss Blue Ridge (as in the Blue Ridge Mountains), not necessarily uncommon, but what was both uncommon and very stirring was during the 7th inning stretch, Miss Blue Ridge was allowed to sing a song.  It wasn't just any song, it was "God Bless America", which she dedicated to her father who will be leaving for a tour of duty in Iraq in a few weeks.  There were very few dry eyes in the house.  It was one of those hometown touches that make minor league baseball so much more enjoyable then the big "money hungry" major league parks.....Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 08:02 AM under "The Minors"
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May 05, 2007

Calling All Freddie Mercury Fans

I was watching a special I found on my DirectTV about Freddie Mercury when I discovered that he had done a song I never knew about.  So, being the internet person I am, I googled the song and found the video on You Tube, check it out.....Bunny 

 I followed Pixi's instructions to the letter, but the You tube doesn't appear on my page, just click on the link below.

 The Great Pretender


Posted by: Bunny at 11:38 AM under "Just For Fun"
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A New Cocktail

A few weeks ago, My sister and I flew to the land of mice, ducks and retired persons, aka Florida, to visit our parents.  One evening we were sitting on the porch, enjoying the evening and talking.  My sister and mother were sharing a bottle of wine, my father was enjoying a  bourbon on the rocks.  When my sister asked me what I would like to drink, I asked for rum.  The problem was that the only mixer in the house was Mountain Dew.  So I told her to go ahead and mix the rum with the Mountain Dew.  Truthfully, it wasn't bad at all.  We decided to call the new mixture a "Jamaican Hillbilly"......Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 09:50 AM under "Just For Fun"
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May 02, 2007

A Once In A Lifetime Event

Someone passed this to me in an email and I thought I'd pass it on.

On May 6 at 1:23:04 the date and time will read:

1234567 (1 hour, 23 minutes, 4 seconds, on the 5th month, 6th day, 7th year.).  Just offering a bit of useless trivia...Bunny

Posted by: Bunny at 10:57 AM under "Just For Fun"
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April 30, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

My husband and I have been talking for years about going the four short miles to our local stadium to see a minor league baseball game.  It was about a week ago, when we finally did it, and I think we're hooked. 

We are going tonight to see the Potomac Nationals, a Carolina league affiliate of the Washington Nationals.  Unlike the big league Nationals, the PNats, as they have been nicknamed, are 11-9, and infinatly more fun to watch.  Not only are they more fun to watch, it's a lot more affordable.  For a regular home game, the ticket prices range from $7.00 - $12.00, tonight, and all Monday home games are only $1.00 for grandstand seats and $1.00 hot dog night.  Not a bad deal at all!!!  If you choose to splurge on the $12.00 seats, they even have waiter service.  I grew up long ago when ticket prices were still reasonable.  I really don't know how a young family could afford the treat of seeing a major league baseball game, or any other sport for that matter.  But for as much as you would spend on an evening at Chuckee Cheese, you can take your family out to the ball game and see your children's faces light up just like you did when you were their age.  At the PNat games, every Saturday home game has free fireworks, and not just the normal amature shows you might see on Independance Day, but an all out spectacularly brilliant show that will blow you mind. 

If you live in the Washington metro area, there are three minor league teams you can see; The Bowie Baysox, The Frederick Keys,(both Baltimore Oriole affiliates) and The Potomac Nationals.  Clicking any one of these teams links will get you to their sight and a drop down menu of well over 200 minor league teams around the nation. 

I think the best thing about watching minor league baseball, is that the players really try.  They aren't yet filled with major league egos and astronomical salarys, they are humble hardworking men who still have the same dreams that most American boys have, just being a baseball player and having fun.  Maybe someday I'll have the opportunity to say, "I saw him when....Bunny


Posted by: Bunny at 11:24 AM under "The Minors"
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